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When interested in Buddhism, it is not uncommon to hear about Siddharta Gautama also called the "founding Buddha". For those who do not know, he is one of the most important figures of this belief. In other words, it is to him that we grant the creation of this religion which has become global.

However, although there are many books chronicling the life of this character, one question is still unclear. : How did Buddha die? Indeed, the story of the latter's death is not as widespread as that of his birth on the Internet.

That’s why, we decided to do some extensive research on the subject in order to provide an update in this article. In other words, we invite you to find out all the circumstances surrounding the death of Siddhartha Gautama. As a bonus, we also invite you to discover 02 important facts about the existence of this character.

History of the death of the founding Buddha (Siddharta Gautama)

Before I give you all the details about death of Buddha, please note that this is a rather moving story. Indeed, the story can be summed up in four points which we will discuss separately.

01 - Buddha's invitation

By the age of 80, the Buddha had aged and moved very little. Usually he spent his days in his house meditating as he usually did. Unlike his youth, he had stopped with the common teachings and was content to accept private invitations from his followers.

One day, Siddhartha Gautama received a rather special invitation. : that of a poor man who had almost nothing to offer. As was customary, Buddha accepted this poor man's invitation and scheduled the day of his visit.

However, things did not go exactly as planned! Indeed, on the day of the meeting with the man in question, the king decided to invite the Buddha as well. Unfortunately, the latter refused, testifying that he gave his word to a man and he must respect it.

When the king heard this, he questioned Siddhartha Gautama to find out which man it was. Buddha then describes the poor person in question and the king warns him of the latter's precariousness. In other words, he tells her that this gentleman has nothing to offer and that his diet is not sufficiently suited to the age of Buddha. After all these declarations, Siddhartha Gautama persisted and went to the poor man's house.

02 - Buddha goes to the poor man's house

Before the arrival of the Buddha to the poor man's house, the latter made an effort to make a meal to welcome his guest. However, the only things available to him were sometimes poisonous mushrooms and rice. When the Buddha arrived at the gentleman's house, he found that the food that had been served to him was not good and not suitable for his age. However, out of respect for the eff

orts of the gentleman and to avoid hitting his host, he agreed to eat.

03 - Stocking Buddha

As the king had said, the food that the poor man had offered to Buddha turned out to be poisoned by mushrooms. After Siddhartha Gautama ingested this food, he started to feel unwell. When he returned home, his disciples tried many medicines to relieve him without success. During his last hours, the Buddha spoke on many subjects.

04 - The lesson of Siddharta Gautama before his death

When the disciples of the Buddha noticed his critical state of health, they asked the latter the question: "why had he accepted the food of the poor knowing that the king had warned him". Before he spoke, the disciples added that even some relatives of the Buddha had also warned about the poor's quality of life and his advanced age.

Faced with this question, Siddharta Gautama took the opportunity to pass a lesson in life. : that to know that when the truth is invited, it must accept. Basically, he points out to his followers that the poor man should not be held responsible for his death under any circumstances. The cause ? The latter had done this with great passion and true love.

What to remember from this story

After this story which summarized how the Buddha died, there is a lesson to be learned. : one that symbolizes the human dimension of man. Indeed, the death of Buddha allows believers of this thought to remember at all times that man is not eternal.

As he used to repeat during his teaching, one must live to achieve "nirvana" and to avoid the suffering of this world.

As a bonus, some highlights from the life of Siddharta Gautama

Besides the death of Buddha, many other events marked the life of this character. Among them, some deserve to be known. :

  • The birth of Siddharta Gautama

Like his death, the birth of this character marked a lot of mind because of his uniqueness. Indeed, the latter was born one day while his mother was going to his parents. When she began to feel the contractions, she stopped in a sacred grove in Lumbini. As he emerged from his bowels, young Siddhartha Gautama announced that this was his last life.

  • Siddharta Gautama discovers suffering

When you are born, you are expected to discover the suffering of the world very quickly! However, this was not the case for the future Buddha who waited until his 29 years. For the record, Siddharta Gautama was born into a royal family where he was the only son. His father loved him so much that he didn't want him to experience suffering. For that, he forbids the young prince to cross the barriers of the kingdom where everything was perfect. According to history, it was only three decades later that the Buddha would succeed in coming out of the kingdom and facing the truth of the world.


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Gertrude Mahdoumy
Gertrude Mahdoumy

December 19, 2021

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