Buddha paintings

Buddha paintings: The madness of wall decorations!

The last few years have seen an unprecedented craze for the world of interior design.
There is something for everyone, modern painting, contemporary painting, design painting, abstract or ethnic painting, triptych painting or five-piece painting, there is necessarily a wall painting that corresponds to your vision of the decoration of the room. house.

Buddha paintings: both testimony to Asian Buddhist culture and soothing wall decoration

Among all these trends, there is one that stands out. Zen decoration style.
At the same time, how can we miss it, as Buddhism is so rich in charismatic symbols!

Tableau Bouddha

Buddha paintings: Zen Buddha, the new star

Buddhism and its Feng Shui side are very popular in the West and the French are no exception. The image of the Buddha is everywhere. Decorative painting, printed canvas, posters, fresco or wall stickers, a wide choice is available and zen is the order of the day.

Artists have no shortage of imaginations for this kind of mural. The Buddha is represented there from every angle.

In the most common painting of Buddha, the painting only contains the head of Buddha. Sometimes paintings on canvas of Buddha statues are also painted.
The Zen Buddha in meditation surrounded by orchids, pebbles, bamboo or lotus flower is also very popular.

Buddhist monks and other mandalas are not left out when it comes to painting on canvas.

The goal is to create a restful, relaxing atmosphere and a Zen atmosphere.

Buddha paintings: Handmade crafts

Many different techniques and materials are used to make a Buddha painting.
First of all the canvas is essential, the most common are cotton and polyester canvas, and of linen that deliver incredible canvas print quality.

Concerning the frame of Buddha paintings, it is generally composed of a wooden frame. For the Buddha paintings divided into several panels, the system is the same and consists of a wooden frame for each canvas painting in order to be able to hang it easily.

A Buddha paintings in each room of the house

The best thing about these modern paintings is that we can easily dress the walls of any room with a Zen decor. Rather Oriental in the bedroom? Asian styles in the living room?
These wall decorations can change the mood in no time.


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